Do you own a vehicle and urgently need cash, for example, to pay particularly high bills? Finding new sources of cash can be complicated at times, and not everyone has expensive watches that are particularly suitable as deposit items. A good way to get cash quickly is the car pawn shop or car pledge (จํานํารถ which is the term in Thai). You can use the service of our car pawnshop as a legal person and a private person and benefit from quick liquidity at short notice.
Mortgaging the car can be exactly the right solution for you if you have financial difficulties. The prerequisite for this is that you expect to receive a secure payment shortly, which will enable you to rerelease your vehicle. If so, you will benefit in several ways when you mortgage your car:
More and more business people and private individuals are opting for a car pawn shop in the event of a short-term liquidity bottleneck, especially because pledging the car is a flexible and unbureaucratic alternative to bank loans. So that we can do justice to your financing situation, we offer you cash for almost all types of vehicles. With us, you also have the option of continuing to use your car instead of pledging it.
Benefit From Many Advantages In The Pawnshop
The offer of car pledge (รับจํานํารถ which is the term in Thai) in our pawn shop is aimed at private individuals and entrepreneurs who need bridging financing of up to six months. You can deposit almost all vehicles in our pawn shop – not just a car or vintage car, but also a motorcycle or a truck. We will also give you a deposit loan for tractors, trailer-able boats, or machines if the framework conditions are appropriate.
The prerequisite for this is that you expect an incoming payment by the end of the contract period, which allows you to redeem your car deposit in our pawn shop. If you need a larger sum of money over a longer period, we recommend that you opt for a conventional bank rather than a mortgage loan.